Speech & Language Therapy

The Speech & Language Department at The Schenck School provides speech and language therapy to dyslexic students who need additional support to strengthen specific speech-language skills such as articulation, word-retrieval, higher-order language, and pragmatics.

The Speech & Language Department also works with classroom teachers to help create language-rich learning environments which are focused on the sound system of our language and dedicated to improving all aspects of each student’s mastery of that system, from how each sound is created to understanding and expressing complex ideas.

Since dyslexia is a language-based learning disability, it is not uncommon for our students to exhibit language difficulties. Our classroom teachers understand that each student presents a unique learning profile with varying strengths and weaknesses. This makes our team-based approach essential. The team strives to minimize the use of targeted and intensive pull-out therapy since time in the classroom is precious and essential to the remediation of dyslexia.

speech-language therapist working with boy one-on-one
therapist working with boy, showing him how to form word